COVID-19 Resources

Saskatoon Pride Festival postponed due to COVID-19

In response to developments around COVID-19 and Saskatchewan’s ongoing state of emergency, the Board of Directors of Saskatoon Pride has decided to not host the Saskatoon Pride Festival in a physical format in June 2020. 

We are working to create new digital events to keep us all connected, especially during Saskatoon Pride Festival, June 12 – 20.  Our number one consideration is your safety and health. All physical Pride events are postponed until they are safe and feasible. Watch our social media for updates soon.

For more information, please read our media release

Assistance with Government Programs

Are you a member of the gender and sexually diverse community of Saskatchewan and need support navigating Employment Insurance, the Rental Housing Supplement, tax filing and Emergency Response benefits?

Our focus is in providing support to trans and queer low-income individuals, international work and student permit holders, but we are also happy to take referral from anyone in need and will assist as we can or refer on to another community based agency.

Contact Moose Jaw Pride at to arrange an appointment over the phone or any digital communication platform that you have access to and we will help.

Can YOU help by volunteering with Moose Jaw Pride to provide services?
If you can, please email them at

Saskatoon's Community Response to COVID-19

If you are or at risk of being homeless, or require emergency housing assistance or referrals, income assistance and other emergency access to other services during the COVID-19 pandemic, an Essential Service Hub has been established as listed below. Please be advised that the hub may be subject to closure depending on circumstances.

White Buffalo Youth Lodge
602 20th St West
Open Mon – Fri, 10 am – 3 pm

Here are other community agencies that may be able to provide assistance. You are advised to contact them directly if possible. Please note that hours of operation may be subject to change during this uncertain time.


Saskatoon Food Bank  (note modified services)
Food Hamper pick-up: Mon-Thu: 8:30 – 11:45 am; 12 – 3 pm; Fri: 8:30 –11:45 am
202 Avenue C South  Ph: 306-664-6565

Friendship Inn
Bagged breakfast & lunch
619 20th Street West  Ph: 306-242-5122

Westside Community Clinic
Access to clinic by appointment only & urgent use
1528 20th Street West  Ph: 306-664-4310

The Bridge Fellowship Centre
Breakfast & lunch
Mon – Thu: 8 am – 2 pm; Sat: 12 – 3 pm
1008 20th Street West  Ph: 306-382-2855


Salvation Army – 24 hrs
339 Avenue C South  Ph: 306-244-6280

The Lighthouse – 24 hrs
304 2nd Avenue South  Ph: 306-653-0538


OUTSaskatoon continues to offer its counselling services by phone, peer support (Mon-Fri 9 am – 5 pm), and it’s groups continue to meet online.

For more information call: 306-665-1224; toll-free 1-800-358-1833

Or check their Facebook page or

AIDS Saskatoon

All Nations Hope Network

Persons Living with AIDS Network of Saskatchewan

Access to Naloxone during the COVID-19 pandemic

If you require Nalaxone please see the information in the graphic here or contact AIDS Saskatoon:
(306) 242-5005