Family Friendly Events

June 16, 2022
5:30 pm

Hosted by Grovesnor Park United Church. Lawn games and food provided. No cost to join, all are welcome!

Massey Park
June 11, 2022
8 am

Rainbow Car Wash day / Saturday June 11, 2022 / 8:00am – 10:00pm @ Spiffy Car Wash on Melville Street

Spiffy Car Wash on Melville Street
June 11, 2022
10 am

It will be a guided meditation on self-acceptance and loving oneself!

Topic: Queer & Questioning Self-acceptance Meditation
Time: Jun 11, 2022 10:00 AM Saskatchewan

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Virtual via Zoom
June 15, 2022
7 pm
Doors open @6:30pm
Concert at 7:00 pm
Desserts to follow
Admission by donation
For more information:
St Georges Anglican Church
June 14, 2022
12:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Spark Your Pride is trailblazing partnership between Queer Seniors Of Saskatchewan and the Western Development Museum creating a daylong event celebrating the lives of 2SLGBTQ+ people in Saskatchewan in a safe space for all queer communities, their families, and allies. In this, our fourth annual event, we continue our tradition of coming together to share and celebrate the diverse stories, culture, and accomplishme nts of 2SLGBTQ+ lives in Saskatchewan’s past. This event will have the added benefit of a hybrid option to extend our reach into communities across Saskatchewan and Canada.

Speakers & Workshops

Register Here!


Presenting Sponsor:



Key Speaker Sponsor:


Workshop Sponsors:

Table Sponsors:

Western Development Museum – 2610 Lorne Avenue